
The Rise of Fall

Autumn is the season
Where trees and plants have a reason
To die with a hope to return.
With the death the trees hope to spurn
New life, which cannot be possible
Without God making it permissible.
But God,
A two-letter phrase that prods
The heart to see a new alternative.
An option so divine, premeditive
By a holy, God, that chose such a contradiction
To show his glory to us in nature. 

The reality is this:
That sin’s payment is death, fatality, and separation
Christ took our payment to place us in reconciliation
Before God’s very presence. He won us back
So that through death and resurrection He could tack
Righteousness on my account, which I can never achieve
Aside from God’s empowerment that Christ gave so I might receive.
But God chose death to give life to the autumnal season,
And in worthless, wretched sinners
For no apparent reason.

This great mystery that God sent his Son
To die a payment for my sins because I run
So far from Him and choose to sin
But God,
Chose to use death to win
My soul back in His jealousy.
He arose in victory
Paying for sin, destroying death’s penalty
This gives all humanity a new reality.

God, so infinite in mercy, chose not to stop there,
He furthered his glory in another death. He chose to leave His chair
In heaven, the mighty throne to be a servant to his creation,
To rescue the human race in such a depravation.
Shown in yet another contradiction, that life can be given
At the expense of a perfect death He showed power that he could be risen.
Rising from the ashes, like a phoenix He conquered fatality
After in the grave for three days he arose to divinity
In to glory to give the gift of life back to humanity.


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