
Malachi 2:1-17 [Oct. 9, 2011]

 King James Version Translation of the Life Application Study Bible
 English Standard Version John MacArthur Study Bible

  • A constant Old Testament theme is displayed here when God says if you obey I will bless, but disobedience brings a curse. Likewise, He reminds the people of their current curse and says it will get worse. He used vivid language saying dung would be spread on their faces and offerings. This is how God viewed their hypocritical and second rate offerings to Him. More despicable than just not offering anything at all!
  • God, the Almighty Creator reached out a perfect hand to sinners all over the globe with love. He deserves us to glory His name in worship. Taking sin seriously like God sees it, and loving God with our whole being is the least we can do! You cannot know or love God without reading His Word!
  • How often do I expect to get God's blessings while rejecting the full responsibility to serve Him fully and purely?
  • How can God's people be witnesses and separate from the world if we don't know God's Word?! Malachi rightfully shows God's righteous anger at the priests' willful ignorance! Leadership with the lack of God's Word is also a lack of truth. This caused them to lead people astray! We must know God's Word - what it says, what it means, how to apply it, and constantly be immersed in it. In order to represent God we must know our God; you cannot know Him without reading His Holy Word!
  • "But have been partial in the law" or "but show partiality in your instruction" is how Malachi ends verse 9. Is this absurd to you at all? Influential, popular, or favored (higher class) people were allowed to break God's laws! Confronting people was not even done because priests found dependency in these men and not in God! Do not tolerate double-standards within your life where you are allowed. My standards need to be based on God's Word, not man's social or monetary status.
  • Verses 10-16 indicate the nation of Israel marrying heathen women, committing much adultery and idolatry both physically and spiritually. They were acting as if punishment never would come. God clearly states he would cut off from them. Idolatry and adultery disqualified them from rights and privileges, thus God rejected their sacrifices. With the violation of marriage vows and allowance of idols. Double disloyalty caused their offerings to be a "hypocritical mockery" as MacArthur puts it.
  • Something interesting the Life Application brings up in verse 14 is that the people questioned God as to why He rejects them. They were looking at others and not at themselves. Willfully ignorant of their sins. It's almost as if I can hear Malachi saying, "Are you kidding me?! Do you see what you are doing?!"
  • Heavenly silence is not approval. It is merely the eye of the storm or the calm before the storm. Judgment comes to the unrepentant and the faithful always receive blessing.
  • Don't be like the priests who were faithless, partial, skeptical, self-justified, disobedient people that wore out God's patience.
PRAYER: "Lord I do not want to be complacent or try to do this Christian life on my own anymore. I am rotten, but I want to be faithful, I am double-minded, but I want you more. Your Word works, I do not. May I be dependent on you and help me crush the desire to be independent. Allow me to be a source for others to find You and Your truth no matter what the circumstances. Lord, I just want what you want. I don't know where I am to go or what you will have me do. Know that I will go where you lead and your plan is a whole lot better than mine. Keep me coming back to your Word, starving for Truth. Amen"


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