
Haggai 1:1-15 [Sept. 24, 2011]

King James Version Translation of the Life Application Study Bible
 English Standard Version Journaling Bible

  • I almost missed devotions today. I literally just finished talking to a good friend and I made this face O_O. And I told him, "I just forgot to do my devotions! Quickly, I ripped open my Bible to Haggai Chapter 1 and read the forward (preface) about the book and it says: "The important is all too often left in the dust. Our problem is not the volume of demands or lack of scheduling skills, but values - what is truly important to us." ...*slap* that hurt.
  • Haggai points out Israel's goofed priorities. They were too concerned with their own needs than doing God's will. This brought them suffering.
  • Wow. Verse 7 is another huge *whap* to the face: "Thus saith the Lord of hosts, consider your ways." It is as if he says "Stop! Think. Reevaluate what you're doing!
  • I am so wicked. Haggai is amazing conversational in his wording of God's message. Verse 9: "Ye looked for much, and, lo, it came to little; and when ye brought it home, I did blow upon it. Why? saith the Lord of hosts. Because of mine house THAT IS WASTE, and ye run every man unto his own house."
  • I want to be like the remnant of Israel. They "obeyed the voice of the Lord their God...and the people did fear before the Lord."
  • What was God's response to Israel's new obedience? What has God's response ALWAYS BEEN TO BROKEN, REPENTANT OBEDIENT SERVANTS!? MORE Grace! "I am with you, saith the Lord." The still small voice is sometimes the most needed aspect of my Christian walk.
  • The ESV in verse 9 says "because of my house that lies in ruins, while each of you busies himself with his own house." This is so messed up guys...come on, is God really just something to run to when you need Him? God is always needed! We need to be constantly with Him and about Him and through Him! He should be my life.
  • "I am with you declares the Lord." a promise only give to those who come broken in obedience to the Lord.
  • What in all of God's creation is hindering me to pay attention to the Creator?! Why am I so impressed with what God makes that I neglect who God is and the purpose of all this? Because I am wicked, rotten to the core, and the only way I can live a successful Christian life is by letting God live it through me and being willfully obedient in love. Christ does the work, it is not anything of me.
  • Stop focusing on making myself better intellectually, physically, or emotionally. My focus is to be seeing God's grace in light of my wickedness.
  • My deepest needs cannot be met aside from divine intervention of a loving Savior that died for me.
  • Life is unproductive without God. God does satisfy, so even when other seem to be blessed, they're given things that don't truly satisfy! God's blessings truly come only when He is first place in your life. Where does God rank in your life? Do you have confused priorities like Judah?
  • Now with these words, you must respond. The people obeyed, will I? Putting my words into action like Israel's remnant did is a constant battle. Make plans to practice what God teaches me


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